Police education and training in Pakistan

CargoSociedad Pskistaní de Criminología
Año 5, vol. IX agosto-diciembre 2012/Year 5, vol. IX August-December 2012
www.somecrimnl.es.tl 1
Fecha de recepción: 11/02/2012
Fecha de aceptación: 13/04/2012
Dr. Fasihuddin
Sociedad Pskistaní de Criminología
Educación y capacitación son sólo dos palabras que son ampliamente utilizadas e
incluso más que cualquier otras palabras en casi todos los de la literatura y escritos de
una disciplina académica y profesional. Ambos tienen similar significado de
diccionario y a veces se utilizan con la superposición de descripción. La policía es una
organización altamente estructurada y compleja con una variedad de deberes
obligatorios y opcionales y responsabilidades. El estatus en la jerarquía organizativa
de policía exigen un sistema separado de gestión de recursos humanos.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Educación policial, Entrenamiento, Habilidades.
Education and training are the only two words which are widely used, and even more
than any other words in almost all of the literature and writings of an academic and
professional discipline. Both have somewhat similar dictionary meaning, and at times
are used with overlapping description. The police is a highly structured and complex
organization with a variety of compulsory and optional duties and responsibilities. The
various stratra in the police organizational hierarchy demand a separate system of
human resource management.
KEYWORDS: Police education, Training, Skills.
Education and training are the only two words which are widely used, and even more
than any other words in almost all of the literature and writings of an academic and
professional discipline. Both have somewhat similar dictionary meaning, and at times
are used with overlapping description. The Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary
describes education as ‘a process of teaching, training and learning, especially in
schools or colleges, to improve knowledge and develop skills’ and the meaning of
‘training’ is given as ‘the process of learning the skills that you need to do a job’.
Despite glaring interconnectedness and inclusiveness of the two words, the police
education and training are generally slightly differentiated. The old literature on
police and policing might have used it as synonyms, but we appreciate the efforts of
our recent writers who are trying to give us some concrete and independent
explanation and identifying the kinds of the two basic words and concepts. Training
and education differ in terms of scope and objectives; also the purpose of education is
broader and more general as compared to that of training. Education is concerned with
the development of the mind (of the intellect) while training deals with learning
specific skills. Education is a more personal activity; training means developing skills
that will be used more for social and economic reasons than for personal purposes.
Education should come first, and then training should follow. Michael L.Birzer and
Cliff Roberson quotes two police scholars Stan Shernock and Gail Dantzker on more
comprehensive views to differentiate training from education.
When educated peop le are faced with a novel situation, they should be able to analyze,
interpret, and make judgments about the situation themselves rather than relying on
others to tell them what to do……A person who has been merely trained, on the other
hand, is more likely to rely on others to tell him or her w hat to do in a particular
situation and is less likely to understand the reasons for doing what he or she is
directed to. (Quoted in Birzer and Roberson, 2007).
M.R. Haberfeld of Jhon Jay College has excellently described the two terms in
the chapter ‘Training and Education, Conceptual Framework’ in her book, Critical

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