Culture of legality

AutorJulio César Kala
Kala, J. C. | Pp. 111-127
Culture of legality
Julio César Kala
Public safety is the principle obligation of State. Therefore, public po-
licy must be guarantee fully. It can’t respond to political situations,
its goals and objectives must be clear and precise, predominantly aimed
at increasing the real conditions that allow social life in the context of
lity in the short, medium and long term (Instituto Iberoamericano de
Derechos Humanos, 2007).
Therefore, structure, construction, operation and evaluation of
public policies of public safety must visibly impact in social problems or
raise standards of comfort and safety in social setting to promote better
living conditions of the people.
In the area of public safety, exceptional progress has been made
in the design of actions interagency and interdisciplinary plans suc-
cessful having an impact on reducing crime and insecurity levels. The
design and implementation of comprehensive public safety policy has
not produced the expected results. Increasing violence it most remark-
able result, not only by the increasing deaths and disappearances, but
by the deteriorations of democratic framework. This is despite repeated
Ensayo recibido el 13 de noviembre de 2015 y aceptado para su publicación el 24 de noviembre del 2015.
DE JURE | Revista de investigación y análisis
Número 1 | Cuarta época | Año 12 | Noviembre de 2015
recommendations of the international organizations, among other Cen-
tro de Estudios de Seguridad Ciudadana (
), International Center
for the Prevention of Crime, and Instituto Latinoamericano de Nacio-
nes Unidas para la Prevención del Delito y el Tratamiento del Delin-
cuente (
Legality, culture, human rights, constitutional state.
Mexico, in recent years, has lived in a highly polarized environment of
violence. The fear of being a victim of crime has become a constant in
the social imagination of many people. But referring to the crime also
requires reference to the legal, vertical and horizontal1 system, as well
as, public social action. Consider crime as a transgression unanimous-
ly shared value, translated into a legal prohibition is far from social re-
ality. This is evidenced by activities of organized crime and detachment
from the norm in many daily social behaviors of people.
    -
lence, as Palermo, Bogotá and others Latin American cities. In contrast,
Mexico has emerged as a focused approach in the integrator value of le-
gality and the decline of violence, framed the need of improving the liv-
ing conditions of the inhabitants. Expanding to the full exercise of their
fundamental rights, where public safety is described as the social set-
ting in which people exercise theirs freedoms without fear to damage
to its property, injury to his person or limitations of their expectations
for growth and development.
In this perspective, the strengthening of the culture of legality
requires the understanding of society as a whole. The implications of
the rules of law as a means to Foster the best possible social welfare and
safety for all. Where legislative production and applications norm pro-
   -
cial and residents, from responsible in public and social live behave in
1 Vertically in the three levels of government: federal, state and municipal; and hori-
zontally: in the three areas of public power: legislative, executive and judicial.

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