La periferia latinoamericana en el sistema global del capitalismo

AutorRaúl Prebisch
EL TRIMESTRE ECONÓMICO, vol. LXXXIX (1), núm. 353, enero-marzo de 2022, pp. 371-385
* Este artículo fue publicado originalmente en 1981 en la Revista de la CEPAL, (13), 163-171, así como en
Raúl Prebisch (1981). Capitalismo periférico. Crisis y transformación. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
Copyright © Naciones Unidas 2022. Todos los derechos reservados. La autorización para reproducir total
o parcialmente este artículo debe solicitarse a la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe
(), División de Documentos y Publicaciones, Los Estados miembros de
las Naciones Unidas y sus instituciones gubernamentales pueden reproducir este artículo sin autorización
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** Raúl Prebisch (1901-1986), economista estructuralista argentino.
doi: 10.20430/ete.v89i353.1408
La periferia latinoamericana en
el sistema global del capitalismo*
The Latin American periphery in
the global system of capitalism
Raúl Prebisch**
This article constitutes a tight synthesis of the main ideas of the author, which
unfold in three areas closely related to each other. On the one hand, he takes
up his old concern for the relations between centers and periphery, analyzing it
in the light of some salient features of the contemporary situation. In his opin-
ion, the subject has the greatest signicance because the nature of these relation-
ships conditions limits and guides the modalities and possibilities of development
of the Latin American countries. On the other hand, he penetrates the study of
the internal dynamics of peripheral capitalism to unravel its main components,
contradictions, and tendencies. In this sense, he afrms that its internal con-
tradictions drive peripheral capitalism towards structural crises, from which it
only mana ges to emerge by appealing to authoritarian political regimes. From this
thesis derives a conclusion that constitutes the starting point of the third area of his
thought: a stable and democratic solution to these structural crises requires a pro-
found transformation of the foundations of peripheral capitalism, especially of its
predominant forms of appropriation and use of the surplus. As a contribution to
the reections on this controversial topic, it outlines the guidelines of the theory

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