Artificial intelligence in criminal proceedings: human rights at risk?. Human Rights at Risk?

AutorTúlio Felippe Xavier Januário
CargoUniversidade de Coimbra
Túlio Felippe Xavier Januário*
1 This investigation was carried out within the scope of the project
entitled “Autoria e responsabilidade em crimes cometidos através de
sistemas de inteligência articial”, funded by the “Fundação para a
Ciência e a Tecnologia-fct” (2020.08615.BD). The article was orally
presented and discussed on two occasions: at the Conference of the
Association of Human Rights Institutes (ahri) – “Technology and the
Future of Human Rights”, held at the University of Pretoria (South
Africa), between September 1st and 3rd, 2022, and at the Howard
League Conference – “Crime, Justice and the Human Condition:
Beyond the cris(es) – reframing and reimagining justice”, held at the
Keble College of the University of Oxford (England), between Sep-
tember 13th and 14th, 2022.
* PhD Candidate in Law at the University of Coimbra (Portugal), with
a fellowship from the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia – fct.
M.Sc. in Law by the University of Coimbra, with a research intern-
ship of the “erasmus+” Program at the Georg-August-Universität
Göttingen (Germany).
INACIPE Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Penales Núm. 21 septiembre-diciembre 2023 85-100 ISSN: 0187-0416
Abstract: The aim of the present
paper is to analyze some of the pos-
sible applications of articial intelli-
gence in the criminal justice system
and how it could aect some human
rights of those involved. For that,
the rst topic presents the concept
and functioning of this technolo-
gy and how it could be used in the
most varied stages of criminal pro-
cedure. Subsequently, the second
topic addresses some limitations and
challenges to be overcome in its ap-
plication in the criminal justice sys-
tem and, mainly, which human rights
may be at stake with that use. The
third and nal topic presents some
possible guidelines aimed at achiev-
ing the necessary balance between
the eciency and eectiveness of
criminal justice and the protection
of human rights of those aected by
these technologies.
Criminal law
Criminal procedure
Human Rights
New technologies
Articial Intelligence
Derecho penal
Proceso penal
Derechos humanos
Nuevas tecnologías
Inteligencia articial
Fecha de recepción: 7 de julio de 2023
Fecha de aceptación: septiembre de 2023
DOI: 10.57042/rmcp.v7i21.670
Resumen: El objetivo del presen-
te trabajo es analizar algunas de las
posibles aplicaciones de la inteligen-
cia articial en el sistema de justicia
penal y cómo podría afectar dere-
chos humanos de los involucrados.
Para ello, el primer capítulo presen-
ta el concepto y funcionamiento de
esta tecnología y cómo podría ser
utilizada en las más variadas etapas
del proceso penal. Posterior mente,
el segundo capítulo aborda algunas
limitaciones y desafíos a superar en
su aplicación en el sistema de jus-
ticia penal y, principalmente, qué
derechos humanos pueden estar en
juego con ese uso. El tercer y último
capítulo presenta algunos posibles
lineamientos direccionados a lograr
el necesario equilibrio entre la e-
ciencia y ecacia de la justicia pe-
nal y la protección de los derechos
humanos de los afectados por estas

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