The civil law in the time of the knowledge-based society

AutorRoberto Cippitani
CargoProfesor encargado de Derecho Privado de la Administración Pública en la Facultad de Derecho de la Università degli Studi de Perugia.
Roberto Cippitani
1. The fragmentation of Community Civil Law. 2. The Civil Law before the
European integration. 3. European Integration and the crisis of National
Civil Law. 4. The Civil Law of the European Union. 5. The Civil Law of
the time of the knowledge-based society.
La integración europea pone en crisis el paradigma tradicional del
derecho civil: a) sobre la base de las libertades reconocidas por los
Tratados, la legislación civil de la UE causa la apertura del derecho
inter no, la super ación de las normas de dere cho internaci onal
privado, en par ticular, el principi o de r eciproci dad, b) los s ujetos
de derecho ya no se consideran como iguales, sino se tienen en
cuenta su situación relativa, c) hay una disciplina de los intereses
no p atrim oniales y de los bie nes inmat eriales; d) la aut onomía
priva da no se co nsid era completam ente lib re y asu me nueva s
funciones, e) el sistema jurídico de la UE es más complejo que la
legislación interna y esto provoca una crisis en los métodos de la
ciencia jurídica.
La crisis del derecho civil tradicional conduce a la búsqueda de una
lógica capaz de soportar la ley civil europea. De acuerdo con las
fuentes de la UE, es imposible determinar una lógica, que describe
el sistema jurídico con algunas metáforas: la Unión Europea como
mercado interior, como la sociedad de la información y, por último,
como so ciedad basada sobre el Conocimiento. La ley ci vil de la
UE de una Sociedad del Conocimiento es capaz de transformar el
paradigma tradicio nal, que es un estado de crisis , en un a nueva
teoría jurídica coherente.
126 JURÍPOLIS, año 2010, Vol. 1, No. 11.
1. The Fragmentation of the Community Civil Law.
According to the legal sources and the literature, the Community
civil law is often built by using a sectorial and gradualistic approach.
This is a particular manifestation of the tortuous European integration
The same documents of the institutions denounce this circumstance,
which is particularly evident with regard to contracts and obligations,
but this is manifested throughout the entire civil law.2
In the Communi cat ions abo ut th e Europe an contract law a nd
in particular about the Greater co herence of the contrac t law, the
    
for instance the use of general concepts, which could be interpreted
in different manners in the law of the Member States (in particular
   
the legislation adopted by a State to implement the directives of the
Community, refers to the some abstract national terms whose meaning
fact that several European legal sources can be applied in the same
3 or when similar situations are treated differently without any
4 etc.
 5
especially in matters such as the civil law, where it doesn’t appear in an
organic way, it is therefore characterized by many ‘lacuna’ or gaps.6
   
drafted by the general theory.7
As notic ed by the Commission, the proble matic a spects of the
Com munit y civil la w, es pe ci al ly c on ce rn in g co nt ra ct s, a nd the
differences among the national laws tend to discourage the legal cross-
border relationships.8
Roberto Cippitani. The civil law in the time of the knowledge-based society.
It could be possible to wonder whether this fragmentation of the EU
civil law should be considered inevitable, or whether it can propose a
coherent framework.
      
how the legal relationships were intended before the process of the
European integration. Secondly, you should understand how (and if)
the European Union Law has changed the civil law.
As a result of this investigation, you should consider if there is a
theoretical framework that let you consider the civil law as a part of the
European Union law.
2. The Civil Law before the European Integration.
If the domestic civil law is considered without references to the EU
integration process, it shows some particularities.
At the core of the system of private law, there are national civil codes,
with reference to the continental Europe. The codes are the projection,
legally speaking, of the idea of the national State.9 This idea was built
by cutting off the European cultural continuity, through the development
of symbols1011 a national language, a national
history, a national education, a national science, and indeed, a national
law system.
The national State becomes the sole source for the law. In particular,
the civil codes are the expression of the positivist approach, according
which it is possible to regulate the whole legal universe. The legal
       
of the codes was the creation of a repertory of typical shapes and
disciplines, so the judge is entitled to give a minimal contribution to
the literally interpretation of the legal provisions. Such a legislative
technique eliminates, or reduces to a minimum, the use of general

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