Biodegradable Device Created to Help Regenerate Nerves in Rats.

Mexico City, Oct. 15 (Notimex) - Car accidents, sports injuries and even excessive texting can damage peripheral nerves, causing numbness, tingling and weakness, depending on the type of injury, in the hands, arms or legs.

Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and Northwestern University developed a biodegradable implantable device that provides regular pulses of electricity to damaged peripheral nerves in rats, helping animals regenerate nerves in their legs and recover their nerve function and muscle strength faster.

This technology could help people to recover more quickly, as it can take months to treat this type of injury and doctors suggest analgesics such as aspirin and physical therapy and, in severe cases, may suggest surgery.

In fact, in practice it is common to administer electrical stimulation to injured nerves during surgery to aid recovery.

Lead author and professor of neurosurgery, biomedical engineering and orthopedics at the University of Washington, Wilson Ray, noted that with this device, "we have shown that electrical stimulation administered on a schedule can further improve nerve recovery.

Unlike neurons in the brain and spinal cord, peripheral nerves through the arms, legs...

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